You can convert:
LPG kg to litres (1kg = 1.96L) or litres to kg (1L = 0.51kg)
*LPG kg to m³ (1kg = 0.53m³) or m³ to kg (1m³ = 1.89kg)
*LPG litres to m³ (1L = 0.27m³) or m³ to litres (1m³ = 3.70L)
LPG MJ to kWh (1MJ = 0.278kWh) or kWh to MJ (1kWh = 3.6 MJ)
LPG litres to MJ and vice versa (1L = 25MJ) or (1MJ = 0.042L)
LPG kg to MJ and vice versa (1kg = 49MJ) or (1MJ = 0.02kg)
LPG litres to kWh and vice versa (1L = 6.9kWh) or (1kWh = 0.145L)
LPG kg to kWh and vice versa (1kg = 13.6kWh) or (1kWh = 0.074kg)
and all other combinations